November 2015.
After we came back from Poland, Alfred was very glad, because he had received a warm scarf. It was a gift from the children and teachers from Finland. As the next meeting of all the project partners will be in February 2016 in Finland, Alfred also visited the sewing attellier of teacher Ans and she dressed Alfred very nice and very warm for the next visit. In this period it’s quite cold in Finland, perhaps 20 degrees below zero. So it is very important to wear warm clothes. We came back with very nice activities for the next meeting. One of the activities was glass painting. Alfred was watching the youngest children when they were working with this technique.
The results were very nice and we used those decorations for the Christmas tree.We also sent them to our partner schools and they were very enthousiastic about this surprise. Also Alfred had an important part in our Christmas musical.
After the musical we had a lovely tapas buffet in each classroom.The parents of our pupils made several snacks and it tasted very good. Of course Alfred was part of it, he’s very special for our pupils!
A New Year has started and we have given a welcome to our new students as they celebrated their 4 anniversary and are very much welcome in our school!
During the next days Alfred is preparing himself for the visit in cold and freezing Finland. He still hasn’t decided: ” What do I have to wear?”