A la découverte de l’Art

Activities   made with children, financed by European projects

Tuesday on the 19 of April, the students from gymnasium school Lunca Pascani aged between 6 to 10 years old have beneficiated of a trip organized on the route Lunca Pascani- Gura Humorului, financed from the project Erasmus+Once upon an Erasmul Tale(Traditional Arts and Languages Across Europe) budget. In the trip came 42 students and 7 teachers.

The meaning of this trip was to facilitate the learning through art, having the fallowing activities:

  1. The visit of a work shop at the Egg Museum from Vama Bucovina, where the children have found out that : this is a special museum that has 3000eggs from all over the World, worked in different techniques, on different types of support (eggs shell, wood, ceramic, stone, glass, porcelain), that the teacher Letitia Orsivschi, international artist, have been collecting during12 years  from expositions participation and from international salons.

In those 22 showcases, the eggs are structured on 2 sections: Eggs from Bucovina and Eggs from all over the World.  In collection are rare eggs like those of emu, nandu, tinamu, of tortoise, crocodile, flamingo, but also very small eggs like those of partridge, sparrow, pigeon, pheasant eggs, peacock, quail, duck, goose, turkey, ostrich.

In the work shop the children could work with the teacher Letitia Orsivschi, that had explained them the meaning of symbols from Bucovina.

  1. The visit with a guide to the Voronet Monastery, called the ,,Sixteen Chapel of the East ‘’ protected by UNESCO, a medieval monarch complex build in the village Voronet, today a part of the city Gura Humorului. The Monastery is 36 km from the city Suceava and only 4 km from the center of the town Gura Humorului. It is one the most valuable monasteries of Stefan cel Mare.

The children could see here the great architecture and the monastery interior and the exterior pictures.

  1. The third moment of our trip was the visit of the Museum Traditional Customs from Bucovina, an institution singular in our Romanian cultural branch, being the only one museum that succeeded to transpose with the usual museum techniques  ways that segment of spirituality defining for every country, nation, for the traditional art.

The children have been excited of the lovely places seen in Bucovina. They have been deeply marked by exhibits from the Egg Museum and they are impatient to use some of the techniques learned there in a project that thy will make in the near future.

Vizibili in presa locala – http://pascani.bzi.ro/activit-i-desf-urate-cu-copiii-finan-ate-prin-proiecte-europene-15768#st_refDomain=www.facebook.com&st_refQuery=/

Mac en Pologne

Mac came back from Poland !

Mac came back very happy from Poland, after visiting places that are full of history and  after attending extraordinary activities accomplished by the students that were so masterly guided.

Mac was also very impressed by the wonderful and talented teachers, coordinated by Blazej Polish Bujala.

The Romanian team, along with Mac, landed in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.   



On Sunday, 4th of October, we visited the beautiful Krakow, the Wawell Castle and the Wieliczka Saltt Mine.


The Lady with Ermina, by Leonardo da Vinci


The Museum of Henryk Sienkiewicz

The Primary School Henryk Sienkiewicz from Oblegorek


Mac en Pologne

Mac came back from Poland !

Mac came back very happy from Poland, after visiting places that are full of history and  after attending extraordinary activities accomplished by the students that were so masterly guided.

Mac was also very impressed by the wonderful and talented teachers, coordinated by Blazej Polish Bujala.

The Romanian team, along with Mac, landed in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.   



On Sunday, 4th of October, we visited the beautiful Krakow, the Wawell Castle and the Wieliczka Saltt Mine.


The Lady with Ermina, by Leonardo da Vinci


The Museum of Henryk Sienkiewicz

The Primary School Henryk Sienkiewicz from Oblegorek


Mac was very excited about all the school activities that took place in Poland.

Thank you, Blazej! Thank you, Poland!

Innovative teaching methods learned in the training course entitled
”Innovative Approaches to Teaching”


Le journal de Mac, le canard roumain



The project team

     Notre petit canard est arrivé à l’école secondaire de Lunca Passant après un long voyage.

Les élèves l’ont accueilli avec amour.



 Ils l’ont emmené dans leur classe et lui ont donné un nom.


 Ils l’ont appelé “Mac”  


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      Mac et les élèves ont ensuite travaillé sur l’impressionnisme et sur le peintre Claude Monet.  

