Les masques des élèves finnois

7-year-old pupils made masks for the performance: Three Billygoats. The pupils made animal masks from disposable plates.

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10-year-old pupils and pupils from a special class made masks on top of balloons. The masks were made of paper mass.

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11-year-old pupils made Venetian carnival masks. The masks were made of newspaper, water and glue. They were painted with Tempera paint.


12-year-old pupils made masks on cardboard.

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Masks were also made from clay by the 12-year-old pupils.


13-year-old pupils made art masks. First they chose a work of art that they found interesting. Then they edited a piece of the chosen work of art by using a computer program. The masks were made on top of balloons. Strips of paper were glued on the surface of the balloons. Wallpaper paste was used as an adhesive and finally the masks were painted with Ready mix paints.

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Les masques aux Pays-Bas

After we come back from Romania we kept busy with the creative command that we had gotten there. Making various kinds of masks and the drawing/painting/color on embossed paper.

The children of Group 1, 4 years old, are engaged in a creative activity for our Erasmus + project.They have painted on a relief surface. It was a group assignment and all children have cooperated.The theme was: paint a Carnival parade.First of all, we had a look on various images of a Carnival parade.Then we collected all materials and confirmed the embossed paper and the paint on the table.Teacher Ans painted an example, it is Frederick of Joki and Jet a well-known character from a children’s film.

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Then it was the turn of the children, in groups of 4, they went to work and they have consulted with each other well, tasks distributed and discussed. Also Alfred our dear duck was present to keep an eye out. With passion and dedication the children went to work. There were clowns, cars, dolls etc. painted and it was a colourful whole.

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The result is very nice.. We are very proud on ourselves, the wonderful activity has got beautiful place in our classroom!


Pupils of the age of 6 and 7 years old worked together with students of 11 years old on a command about symmetry.The assignment was to think of a winter landscape and figures to cut out. The figures were preserved and like a shadow (symmetry) mounted

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In the context of masks these pupils created a Carnival mask using an empty bus and papiermache.First the bus was plastered with 3 layers of newspaper. Eyes, lips etc. were created by a scoop of newsprint on paste and paste here again different layers of newspaper over it. Then the mask was  painted white so that the texts didn´t bleed through the newspapers. Finally, the pupils could paint the masks as they wanted.

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Creating masks by the pupils of 4 and 5 years old.

We have talked about the Carnival festival,I’ve told that we will carry out a cooperation mission.The children go together a large clowns mask.The hair should be curls, but for the rest they are allowed to use their own creativity.

Beginning with an end goal in mind. How do we do it? They make together a plan.
Who is going to do what? Habit 4 Think Win-Win and habit 6 Create Synergy come clear.  Note the children who are going to do what?
Cas and Kalle make the bow, Liz begins with the nose and Boaz and Lisa begin with the hair

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The children are excited to start the command. Meanwhile, a discussion how to create the face.. It is decided to make the mouth red to the face with markers and beige colours.

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And at the end the wonderful masks…..!

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Pupils of 4 years old made a mask individually.They were allowed to choose and the result was very diverse.The children started stinging of eyes, a precise and careful order with the development of fine motor skills.Then the mask was painted. And also, we are very excited about the end result. As far as we are very proud so the Carnival can start!


Created by Group 8, children in the aged  of 11-12 years.

Carnival mask of chicken wire and papier-mâché.

Each year we celebrate Carnival in the region of Saasveld.  A Catholic/traditional festival prior to the 40 days in de fast.  For the parade in Saasveld the children and parents of Group 8  are busy with designing and creating a Carnival truck. For this project, the children have their Carnival mask made for their truck.


At first the children are brainstorming about their own design in groups of 3 children.

-What is their Carnival mask look like?

-How we give shape to the chicken wire?

-How many layers newspaper we are going to use?

-What colours do we use for our mask?

At work with chicken wire:

After making  a design on paper, the children  started working with a piece of chicken wire. That was no easy job. To cut and redirecting the chicken wire requires patience.

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Une couverture à la une

Les ce1 (2e année) ont concouru entre eux pour la réalisation d’une couverture pour le journal de Pompon, voici leurs réalisations.

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Les marines de Turner

Les élèves de ce1 (2e année) et cm2 (5e année) ont travaillé avec Pompon sur les peintures de William Turner, en particulier ses marines.

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Chacun a ensuite peint sa propre scène marine.

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Les élèves suédois ont été impressionnés par les masques et les sculptures de visages roumains.

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Ils s’en sont inspiré pour créer leurs propres sculptures à base de …. pommes !!!


Ils ont décidé de créer des ” Äppelgummor” (vieilles femmes en pommes.)


Ils ont pelé les pommes et commencé à sculpter les visages.


Ils ont utilisé des clous de girofle afin de faire les yeux puis ils les ont laissé sécher.


Quelques jours plus tard, on obtient de splendides têtes de sorcières !

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